Whatever Your Opinion On Why He Is Doing What He Is Doing? Everyone Agrees This Is One Smart Dog!

Opinions on what this dog is doing and why he is doing it vary greatly. Regardless of what you think of his owner, everyone agrees this is one smart dog.

Steve Moore rescued a three-year-old Golden Retriever called Jackson from a shelter no too long ago. Steve wanted a dog and Jackson needed a home, so you would have to say it was a match made in heaven.

But Steve didn’t just stop there, he began to work with his new friend on a daily basis. In less than a month Steve had trained Jackson to do something remarkable. Something that had every passerby who saw Jackson had them wanting him for themselves.

Now a dog hardly anyone had shown much interest in only a month prior was wanted by almost everyone he met. Steve had taken Jackson to high traffic areas so he could train him while getting used to all the noise and distractions surrounding him.

He had Jackson sit and stay. Then he had him sit and stay for a longer period of time. Then, he had him sit and stay while he walked away from him. He did this repeatedly UNTIL Jackson could be left on his own long enough for Moore to go inside of a store and get his errands done.

Since dogs are not allowed in most stores, this was a better alternative to leaving him in a car where he could overheat. Plus, he wouldn’t be tied up, so if an emergency should happen, Jackson could run to safety.

The final stage was to get him to sit and stay WHILE wearing a sign around his neck. “Dad told me to wait here. Me waiting.” And Jackson is really good at waiting! Even with commotion around him and people walking up to say “hi” and give him pets, Jackson waits, FAITHFULLY for his human to return. Now that’s a GOOD BOY!

Watch the full video on Jackson here below:

For more details please go to ilovemydogsomuch.tv.

Covered in green paint, eyes streaming from the fumes, he searches through the garbage looking for food.


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