It Broke Her Heart To See Her Senior Dog Still Searching For His Best Friend

They were the best of friends for eight and a half years, but their friendship tragically came to an end when she passed away.

Ginger an Orange Tabby cat and Forsberg a handsome Goldern Retriever were the best of friends, they had been for over eight and a half years. Wherever Forsberg decided to go, you were always certain to find Ginger right there at his side.


Now senior animals, they did tend to take it easy as opposed to taking adventures as they did in their younger days. Their favorite thing to do now was snuggle side by side on the sofa.


However, one day their time together came to an abrupt but inevitable end when Ginger sadly passed away. She was 15 years of age and had been battling thyroid cancer.

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Devasted at the sudden disappearance of his lifelong friend Forsberg would search for her every day. Confused by no longer having her by his side he became depressed.


Forsberg’s human, Jen Philion, couldn’t stand seeing Forsberg so sad and in so much pain without his kitty best friend. So she decided to surprise him and get him a new kitten! She brought home a new kitten named Maxwell, and the two hit it off right away!


Ginger will always have a special place in Forsberg’s heart, but little Max does a great job filling the void.

Max cuddles right against Forsberg in the same spot Ginger once did.

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Watch this dog’s reaction when their time together is rather unpleasantly interrupted!

Please SHARE this sweet story with all your dog-loving friends and family.


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