How He Got Stranded Here No One Knows For Sure, But One Thing Was Certain, There Was No Way Off!

He had somehow stranded himself on an iceberg in the middle of nowhere. The crew of this fishing boart knew the only way off for him was a rescue.

Unless by luck this iceberg drifts toward land this little Arctic Fox would die, so Alan Russell, Mallory Harrigan, and her boyfriend Cliff Russell decided to try and rescue him.

They had been fishing in Williams Harbour, Labrador, Canada, when they saw the lone animal hunkered down on the berg about 2.5 miles from shore.

Mallory Harrigan

They all knew this fox would only survive if there was some sort of miracle. There was no way onto the ice to retrieve the fox, so they rammed it with the boart to break it up. They then scooped the by now even more distressed animal out of the water with a net.

Labrador Morning/Facebook

Next Harrigan put the fox into a container so he could calm down a little and de-stress. He did indeed revive somewhat when he was given a tin of Vienna sausages.

Labrador Morning/Facebook

Harrigan noted, “His fur should be brown by now but he was on that piece of ice for so long that it never changed color.”

Labrador Morning/Facebook

They ended up dropping him off on land in William’s Harbour in an area with “lots of little critters and stuff” and ponds of fresh water so that he has food and water to live off.

They dropped him off in an old dog house and he ran off, no worse for wear.

You can watch this rescue right here on the video below:

Mallory joked that “The real hero here was the Vienna sausages.” But many people disagree. One person commented, “It’s so nice to see there are still compassionate and caring people in the world, many thanks to the crew of this fishing boat!”

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