Upon Returning From Their Holiday, They Found The Reunion Was Less Than Joyful!

Vacations are supposed to be relaxing affairs and for us humans that more often than not is the case. But for pets when their human goes away things tend to be more stressful.

And so it was for a dog called Hannibal. Hannibal’s humans went away and had the gall not to take him. So when they returned he was less than forthcoming with a joyful greeting, it was fair to say he was not at all amused. The shoulder was given to his humans, and it was a cold one at that.

We all feel guilty when we go away and have to leave our pets. Most of us expect a joyful reunion upon our return, not the look of betrayal that these owners received at the Dogwoods Canine Play and Stay

Screen Shot: YouTube/TheLad

This was definitely one very less than impressed canine, all he did was stare, no tail wagging here, no joyful barking to be heard? Just a long hard stare!

Hannibal conveyed all his hurt and anger in one nasty, continuous glare. Standing upright with his paws on his enclosure door, he stayed put, staring as his owner recorded. His “side eye” is masterful.

Screen Shot: YouTube/TheLad

The look on Hannibal’s face didn’t budge as his human moved this way and that, eliciting the same response: absolute disgust. He reminds us of how the famed Mona Lisa’s eyes follow you around the room, but she never moves.

Millions watched as Hannibal viciously reprimanded his owner with only his eyes. Many warned the owner to watch their back at home because revenge was imminent. Some even likened his facial expression to that of actor Samuel Jackson, who’s known for his intimidating stare.

Screen Shot: YouTube/TheLad

We certainly wouldn’t want to be on the other end of that glare! Here’s hoping Hannibal has mended fences with his owner after having some time to cool off. Watch as the boxer practically shoots lasers out of his eyes in the video below, and share with other dog owners to give them a laugh.

You can watch this joyful reunion right here:

For more details please go to familypet.com.

Please remember to SHARE this post with all your dog-loving friends.


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